The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has awarded the RUBAU – TECOPSA joint venture the contract for implementing corrective measures regarding noise pollution in sections B and C of the Northwest Arc Highway in Murcia.
These are complementary actions involving an investment of over €2.8M to reduce noise pollution in these sections, which cover kilometers 4.3 to 21.7 and are currently under construction. This highway will connect the A-30 with the MU-30 bypass ring at the Alcantarilla junction. The project includes the installation of twenty noise barriers of the necessary length and height to comply with the regulations established by authorized control bodies.
The project will be financed through the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR) with funds from NextGenerationEU to carry out sustainability, energy efficiency, and noise action measures on the road network.
This is a major project aimed at designing, building, and operating the highway between Silao and San Miguel de Allende, which also includes the license to reconstruct and later operate the existing highway connecting the towns of Silao and Guanajuato. Rubau, together with the Mexican company VISE, has won the concession for the highway that […]
The real estate project features 66 exclusive homes, garages, storage rooms, and leisure areas, as well as the necessary facilities and technology to ensure energy efficiency. RUBAU has been awarded the real estate project of Ensanche de Vallecas promoted by Premier: Residencial Manhattan, a residential project located at the intersection of Arte Figurativo street with […]
The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has awarded Grupo RUBAU the project for the improvement of the N502a as it passes through Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) to adapt it for pedestrian and cyclist traffic. The works focus on improving 4.56 km of urban road, and the tasks include resurfacing and generally conditioning these […]
The Ens d’Abastament d’Aigua Ter-Llobregat (ATL) has awarded a 102 million euro contract for the rehabilitation works of the Ter plant project (ETAP Ter) to the consortium UTE RUBAU – AREMA – FERROVIAL – CADAGUA. The actions include the rehabilitation of the existing sand filters, the construction of a new reservoir and a pumping station, […]